Mark Zuckerberg says connectivity is a basic human right – do you agree?

1. The connectivity is how we connect to social networks, digital communities and virtual reality. For example; Facebook or Twitter. However connectivity can have some disadvantages like spending a lot of your time in virtual reality but there is so many more advantages about connectivity that sometimes you forget about disadvantages. 
 2. The Facebook zero is just text (no photos) version of Facebook with no data charges and it’s absolutely free. To access Facebook zero you have to type specifics URLs in your device. The Wikimedia zero is similar to Facebook zero but not with the same aim. The Wikimedia zero lets users share some amount of their knowledge, without any data charges so it’s free and lets every single human being around the world access Wikimedia and share something special. To access Wikimedia users have to text *515# and receive an invite to search Wikipedia; they are then sent the information requested a paragraph at a time. 
 3. What other initiatives are taking place in developing countries, to encourage people to get online?
The Mark Zuckerberg main aim is to get every person on the planet online. The Mark Zuckerberg aimed his dream made an app for people in poor countries or countries without accessibility for internet. The app is called Facebook zero which is text only Facebook version without any data charges by investing this Mark Zuckerberg increased Facebook users in Africa by 114% he believes that by better connection we can help economy as well. However after some time Mark Zuckerberg made a new app called Wikimedia the mission of the app was to let people share their knowledge around the world without any data charges. The Wikimedia was provide in Kenya and country in which just 10% of people has a phone: Burma. They also working on future phones to let people from communities that can’t afford internet or mobile devices to get able to get their voices heard and let communicate with journalists. The google also trying to help Indian woman to get online because in India just 30% internet users are woman. There is also some innovations like backup battery in Africa which can last up to eight hours. 
 4. Do you agree with Zuckerberg's view that connectivity is a human right? 
Yes, I do agree with Mark Zuckerberg view because I think that everyone in the world has a right to access something that other people can. For example some people in Africa can’t access internet because of their poor living conditions but in USA or UK no matter how poor you are their always free internet somewhere. However I think that every human being should have access to internet and spread their knowledge and keep in touch on what is going on around the world because we are all equal and we are all human beings and we all should have same accessibility as others no matter that you poor or rich. The connectivity is like human right because you need to access internet because you need to be in touch with world and spread your opinion because internet in this time is so important.
 5. How does your internet behaviour differ from five years ago? Many people now turn to the web for information on key services – are you among them
 My internet behaviour 5 years ago was childish all I used to do was play games or go on Facebook. About 5 years ago I use to post every single though on Facebook and posted 5 pictures a day. But know I use internet for more important reasons like my studies I use Wikipedia or just type something on google to get definition. I also use dictionaries to learn new words and get more knowledge or reading books online. I also use Facebook but now for another reasons to keep in touch with people not to upload pictures or play games. I never think that in 5 years internet is going to be so important to me and that I’m going to use it on daily basis but now I just need internet for my future for my work or university. These days we do everything on internet we applying for jobs our future is internet. About 5 years ago I never thought that internet is going to be so important all I was thinking at that time that internet is for games and Facebook at that time I never used internet for a good reason.
