Summary for task 1


 There is many different purposes for digitally published products. There is products that can have purpose to inform, educate, entertain, market/ promote, provide advice / support or persuade.

 The purpose of e-book is to inform and entertain. The e-book can accessed on an app, kindle or internet which makes e-book more easily accessible than printed copy. The e-book published on kindle, internet makes book more accessible and easier for reader to find. The reader can look at the ratings and feedback. The e-books can be used on any device which makes reader save some time. The purpose of e-magazine is to promote, inform and tell a story. It’s similar to e-magazine because its written products and they inform a reader in some way also both of the products tell a story to the audience. The e-magazine can be accessed on internet or app. The differences between e-book and e-magazine is that e-magazine tells different stories and change them every week when e-book is written and it’s never changed. Both of the products can be accessed online and have printed copies. The purpose of e-magazine is similar to e-book, it’s made to inform, tell a story and also promote. The e-magazine specialises more on fashion and gossip, which is more non-fiction, however e-books are more fiction. In e-magazine there is also visual examples to represent each article. The purpose of cd cover is to promote and advertise the product which is completely different purpose from e-magazine or e-book. The similarities between e-book and cd cover is that both of the have covers that represent the product. The flyer is used to represent and inform about event. The information is given on a flyer, like time or location. The flyer is similar to leaflet which purpose is to provide advice and inform. Both products give information to the audience and also used to promote. The pictures and images are used on a both products. The instruction manuals with purpose to inform and provide examples, very similar like leaflets. They both give information about the topic. The visual examples are used on a both of the products. The interactive media has purpose to entertain and let audience communicate. There is no similarities with interactive media. However it can also be used on internet and app. The promotional material is with purpose to promote, similar as cd cover. The promotional represents the album or an album, trying to represent the product same as cd cover. The advert has purpose to inform, persuade and promote similar as leaflet. It spreads information but at the same time they try to promote the company which increases their sales or their audiences. The e-newspaper has purpose to inform, similar as leaflet or e-magazine. The only difference that e-newspaper talks about events around the world and serious topics to inform their audience. However the e-magazine informs the audience with specific topics that are not serious. The e-newspaper and e-magazine can be accessed on an internet or app.


  1. Good report Marija - 2A.M1 (Merit) You have explained the purpose of writing in different examples of digital media products from different sectors. (U14)

    To push to distinction you must evaluate (summarise).


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