task 2,abc

There were many traditional techniques back in a day. One of the important techniques were Lithography which is a method of printing based on the immiscibility of oil and water. The techniques used to take long to print the product but also use to be hardly accessible for audience. The technique that we use these days is desktop publishing and digital publishing. The desktop publishing which can generate layouts and produce typographic quality text and images. The digital printing refers to methods of printing from a digital-based image directly to a variety of media. The difference between digital printing and lithography is that there is no need to replace printing plates in digital printing, were in traditional techniques you have to change them all the time. By using digital printing or desktop publishing, audiences saves a lot of time. These days techniques are accessible more easily and can be used for free or small amount of money, when traditional techniques used to be hardly accessible for everyone and use to cost money. The digital publishing can be used at home or work place also it’s easier for audience to understand how it works. The audiences can use digital publishing on their own, however traditional publishing used to be controlled by specialists. The digital publishing also updates after some time, which gives audiences more options and creativity, when back in a day there were hardly any updates. These days we also have electronic documents that gives us opportunity to view documents on a computer screen instead of printing them, in that way audience can save some time and money also a paper.


  1. 1A.2 (Level 1 pass) You have outlined the advantages of digital publishing compared to traditional publishing. (U5)

    For your slide share you must include:
    a) Before digital technology was available, which traditional techniques, technology and printing were used for print products? Create a slideshow with annotated images.

    You are missing a mind map or table?
    b) Where are digital publishing products published today? Make a mind map or table with a range of examples to include: online for viewing or download; using an ebook reader; using a games console; on a smart device; stored electronically; printed.

    For your report - you have not used enough key terminology please please look at the brief;
    c) Compare and evaluate the traditional techniques with digital publishing. Consider the role of printing v electronic format; Desktop Publishing software; multi-media capture / integration. What are the advantages of digital publishing in terms of audience, portability, convenience, updating? Write a report covering these points.

  2. 2A.M2 (Merit) You have assessed the advantages of digital publishing compared to traditional publishing with examples. (U5)


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