
I have looked at some already existing page layouts. I have looked at double spread page layout which I like the most, I have looked at different techniques used to get some ideas. The techniques use to make headline stand out is combination of two different bonds.  I have also looked at drop caps, quotes and colour scheme used. The example that I looked at inspired from my first article. I’m going to produce double page spread layout with dark colour scheme, I’m also going to put quotes and use combinations of different text colours.For my second article I have also looked at existing example. I have chosen snapchat news and I have looked at the techniques used. For this article I’m going to use bright colour scheme, bold text and drop cap.

For my first article I'm going to use double page spread.The first page (left hand side) I'm going to use for my text, i Have chosen to  put my text on a left hand side to make it different and grab audience attention, however i'm going to use my image on a right left side to make it point of focus. The image going to be black and white, so im going to use dark background for my text to make it look professional. The heading is going to combination of two colours to grab attention and make it stand out. I also going to use drop cap for my first word to make it look more interesting. I'm going to start my article with intro where i'm going to explain what article is about.

For my second article i'm going to produce bright colour scheme, something white and blue. The headline is going to be bold and in different bond than text. The pictures are going to be put after my heading. Im going to put about 3 pictures with dates and definition next to them. The number of columns i'm going to use is going to be around 3-4 in a total. 

Article 1: Double Page spread (e-zine)

Article 2: Snapchat news Layout


  1. 2C.D6 (Distinction) You have developed an imaginative concept for a digital publishing product with comprehensive planning.


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