Proposal for the digitally published journalism

Proposal for the digitally published journalism

I will be producing two articles that are linked together. The articles are going to be associating with east London, one of them are going to be about east London street photographer and his work. The next article is going to be about most historical pictures of east London. The articles going to include a lot of visual examples that represents east London. In my first article I’m going to include facts about the photographer, like; his past, techniques, childhood and interests. In my second article I’m going to give definitions and techniques that was used to take most historical pictures. I’m going to use visual examples to represent each of the articles and give more information to the audience. The pictures are going to be old fashion.

The target audience for my two articles about east London are going to be young people, around 16-20 years old. I have chosen young people as my target audience to meet criteria of young peoples’ culture and leisure magazine. The purpose of two articles is to inform about techniques that can be used also share some biography of famous artist and tell about historical events that happened in east London. The platform for my articles are going to be social media like, Facebook or snapchat news, however if I use snapchat news as my platform the timeframe for my articles are going to be 24hours.
The first of my articles are going to be e-zine, I'm going to use e-zine because it's electronical form of the magazine which can include a lot of visual examples. The second article I'm going to publish as a Snapchat article which is going to attract more young people. I’m going to use a lot of visual examples like; pictures that are taken by the famous east London photographer and most historical pictures in east London. The images are going to be old fashion, most likely black and white, however I’m going to use my own photographs as well. I’ll be trying to look for most historical pictures made in east London and go to those places and take pictures of how they look now. The length of my articles are going to be around 500-1000 words each. I also going to use interactive media like; hyperlinks to give audience more information about the topics. I’ll try to use graphics on my page layout, for examples different shapes just to make product more professional and attractive. The resources that I’m going to need is digital camera and computer. I also going to use double page spread for my articles, I’m going to use that because there is more space to put all the text and pictures. I’m also going to use big spaces between article and pictures to make page layout more presentable and understandable. I also going to use headings and titles to represent my articles and inform the audience. The cost cameras are going to be free because I’m going to use college camera, however  to publish article on snapchat can cost $50.000.


  1. Missing secondary research?

  2. 2C.M6 (Merit) You have developed a creative concept for a digital publishing product with detailed planning.


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