article 2 with audience for middle class people 18+

Article 2
History of photography in east London

The first ever photo studio opened in Stepney in the early 1850s, and Box’ Brownie camera in 1900 photography became accessible to everyone. However, since the Second World War photographs start showing changing life of the East London, including photos of bombsites, demolition, new housing.

The pictures also shows a lot of different background communities that made east London their homes. After some time they start documenting child poverty and slum housing, were they used to use in campaigns.

Even today east London is changing every day, local people still photograph their communities and streets. The east London has gone from being the outsiders to hipsters and luxury flats. The areas of Canning Town, Stratford, Leyton, Bow, Bromley and Homerton, next to them there is popular areas like Shoreditch and Hackney. The east London also has river lea which runs from Hertfordshire to and joins the Thames River in East London.

The photographers Polly Braden and David Campany explored River Lea and captured area in 2004 and 2005. To, photograph they used bike armed with a camera and a light meter. Their project includes documentary and street art.

Having watched the area change gradually over time into another hipster enclave, has the character of the place changed forever?

“Yes,” he argues. “There are major changes that won't be reversed any time soon, notably the sharp decline in affordable rent and the relentless rise house prices,” says Campany.
