

  1. Good - but still missing loads of detail. You need to make sure you cover everything in the brief.
    This would be task 3 (work in progress) you are still missing task 4.

    For task 3 you need to cover all criteria:
    Task 3 Produce a detailed step-by-step account of work in progress to include the following processes:
    • A selection of the photographs / video / graphics and copy you have made, and reasons for choosing it
    • Sourcing and importing this material to InDesign
    • Evidence of importing- e.g. printscreens showing the source, file formats such as JPEGs, AIs, ID, uploading and transferring from other devices such as cameras and / or your smartphone
    • Experiments on Photoshop and InDesign: scaling, cropping, colour correction, page layout such as gutters and columns, image manipulation, editing text, placement of text, images and graphics, styles.
    • Evidence of naming, logging and storing your finished piece - using an appropriate file name, format, saved locally and as a back-up.
    To accompany this, I will also carry out observations of your progress

  2. 2A.M3 (Merit) You have assessed how text, images, graphics and interactive elements are combined in a digitally published product. (U5)


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